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Google Updates the Requirements to Appear in Podcasts Recommendations

Google has decided to put into force the new requirements for podcasts to display in recommendations on the Google Podcasts platform starting September 21. The rules will determine eligibility to serve up as recommendations in Google Podcasts and other services, such as search and assistant.

Podcasting is a very beneficial tool for enhancing the business and improving the online presence. It establishes a strong connection between you and your audience, helps you to network with other industry professionals, and encourages traffic to your website. In order to reap these benefits and get your name out there, your podcast needs to meet google podcast requirements to be visible in the search results.

Being in effect from late September, the requirements for eligibility to appear in the Google Search results/ podcast recommendations are taking a new shape. In a document released by Google in early August outlining the requirements, Google declared that it will enforce new requirements for podcasts to show in recommendations on the Google Podcasts platform.

What are the new Podcasting requirements?

The Google Podcasting Requirements outline the necessary elements for your podcast RSS feed to appear in the recommended podcast highlights. But, do you know what an RSS feed is? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and describes files that a computer can read that are automatically updated as information changes.

Starting on September 21, to be eligible to show as a recommendation, podcast RSS feeds must include:

  • A valid, crawlable image: This image must be accessible to Google (not blocked to Google’s crawler or require a login).

  • A show description: Include a user-friendly show description that accurately describes the show.

  • A valid owner email address: This email address is used to verify show ownership. You must have access to email sent to this address.

  • A link to a homepage for the show: Linking your podcast to a homepage will help the discovery and presentation of your podcast on Google surfaces.

  • The podcast author’s name: A name to show in Google Podcasts as the author of the podcast. This does not need to be the same as the owner.

Get more information about the same on forum post.

What should I do now?

You should know that most podcast hosts like, RSS feeds itself generate RSS feeds for you. It is important to be sure that all of the information is accurate in your podcast settings. This will make sure that RSS feed is accurate. Google uses the information provided by these hosts to display your podcast properly on their platform. Ensuring you’re using a reliable podcast host will help you be certain about the fact Google is able to understand and utilize your RSS feed and get your podcast out to the world.

How does it matter?

It is evident that podcasts that fail to meet the requirements will appear in Google and Google Podcasts search results but will show up as recommended podcasts. When you’re quartering the commitment to develop your podcast and build your brand, you want to be able to be recognized for that hard work. Being featured in the recommended podcast results helps you to boost listens on your individual episodes and increases subscribers to your podcast as a whole. So directly it is linked to embracing you as someone who people follow and also take effect in the businesses you promote.

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